Lips Gentlemen's Club i San Juan

Puerto RicoLips Gentlemen's Club



🕗 åbningstider

101-113, Calle La Hija del Caribe, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-250-0571
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4177989, Longitude: -66.0576796

kommentar 5

  • Jen



    Give me back the pictures of the law office and the breakfast. 😂

  • Allison Gallagher

    Allison Gallagher


    What a scam! Don’t believe them when they say that the doors open at 9. There are no dancers for hours, regardless of what they tell you at the door. You can kiss your cover charge goodbye.

  • Ms. McFees Remote learning!

    Ms. McFees Remote learning!


    Like what the heck is this place? No girls, no dancing , and my friends and I waited forever. We even paid cover and no one ever went on stage.

  • Amanda Freeman

    Amanda Freeman


    This place was a joke. They made us pay cover and we waited over 2 hours with no dancers. Do not come here.

  • Big #9

    Big #9


    Very expensive for what you get! $20 cover, $30 fully clothed lap dance, $10 drinks, 5 ladies, 3 were hot. No girls working the stage, and i got ignored the first half hour i was there.

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