Club Brava i Carolina

Puerto RicoClub Brava



🕗 åbningstider

6063, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-2781
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4434798, Longitude: -66.0181064

kommentar 5

  • Digital nomadic Legacy

    Digital nomadic Legacy


    Wonderful atmosphere fire music great people modest drink prices minimum of a $20 limit on drinks so be warned but all I’m all a must see spot in Puerto Rico.

  • Aimee Quintero

    Aimee Quintero


    Really fun place! The music was awesome and the environment was nice! The bartenders were friendly and the drinks were priced at a reasonable price. Overall great place.

  • Dee Deey

    Dee Deey


    music good. not a lot of people there as expected.. water down drinks for $12?! a JOKE!

  • Meghana Reddy Mopur

    Meghana Reddy Mopur


    5 stars for vibe and service. If you are someone who doesn’t care about the language and enjoy music, this is the place for you! Drinks were great too Would love to come back when in PR!

  • Embee B

    Embee B


    We came here on a Saturday night and it was extremely fun! The music was great (top 40 hip hop/ r&b), the crowd was lively. A lot of bachelor parties which made for fun people watching. Only downside is the drinks are quite expensive, but that is to be expected with a club in this location. Our bartender was quick and very nice. The hotel itself is beautiful. Will be back if in the area again!

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