Comfort Inn & Suites i Toa Baja

Puerto RicoComfort Inn & Suites



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1829, Avenida del Valle, 00949, Toa Baja, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-641-9090
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.456296, Longitude: -66.181992

kommentar 5

  • Maria Bardo

    Maria Bardo


    Comfortable rooms with spectacular ocean views. Highly recommended if you have a car.

  • Inés Marie Ramírez Mercado

    Inés Marie Ramírez Mercado


    Nice swim pool. The person serving food was super duper kind. Good service at front desk. But swimming hours... just awful. ¿Y revoltillo sin queso? 😂😭💔

  • Ana Evelyn Rosario

    Ana Evelyn Rosario


    After a long trip we where exhausted. Arrived at the counter. The receptionist was very charming and courteous. Answered all my questions and gave recomendations. She accommodated us in one of the best rooms. The prices are not bad. Plus she gave us a room with the view to the beach. All the areas where super clean and we had a nice rest. They dont rush you for the check out. Will definitely come back.

  • Lucia Sosa

    Lucia Sosa


    The A.C. stopped working in the middle of the night so we had to switch rooms. The room we switched to had a door that would not lock. Management promised us a refund during check-out, but my bank account was charged anyways. I called the hotel and they refused to issue a refund. Also, all of the beaches near the hotel are full of trash. It was sad to see so much trash on the beach (beer bottles, broken glass, dirty diapers, ect.)

  • Mary Matos

    Mary Matos


    Nice clean place to spend the night. Thanks to the balcony we could hang out & appreciate the waterfront directly across a well lite main street. Buffet style breakfast included each morning.

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