Consulado de Venezuela i San Juan

Puerto RicoConsulado de Venezuela



🕗 åbningstider

2, Avenida de la Constitución, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-766-4250
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4325875, Longitude: -66.059624

kommentar 5

  • Olga GG

    Olga GG


    Excellent service and attention.

  • tony gonzalez

    tony gonzalez


    I have called different numbers of the Spanish consul in San Juan and nobody attends to me, just a robot. The question is does someone work in the office? I need a query

  • Cristaleria Pradoca

    Cristaleria Pradoca


    It is an embassy that does not exist, I call different numbers nobody attends, The SAIME are thieves asked me the deposit of $ 100 and the only thing they send is that I must go to Puerto Rico for the renewal of my Passport but I have already been waiting for 3 months That they send me the Date, with Day, month and if possible until they bring Empanadas to those lambucios and here I am in the United States robbed and without Answer.

  • Maria Arce

    Maria Arce


    Very fast. Everything were smooth and easy. Staff is super friendly and helpful.

  • joss smith

    joss smith


    A totally empty office on a Friday morning with a human being unwilling to be there abhorred by life. With an attitude of incredible superiority .. Dear Consulate of Venezuela, I do not know anything about passport procedures because I do not work for you and when I have tried to use the service regularly I have never been able to. I travel 8 hours to ask questions because no one answers me and the information is not up to date on the Internet.

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