Coquí el Original i San Juan

Puerto RicoCoquí el Original



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201, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-3366
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4649859, Longitude: -66.1159051

kommentar 5

  • Cyn Lynn

    Cyn Lynn


    I love… love… love my coqui! Every time I’m in PR to visit family, I try to find something unique in the island to purchase. As time goes on, it gets harder as local smaller stores are put out of business by larger outside retailers. For me, a lot of stuff can be purchased on the mainland. I found this website and I loved the fact that it was a local family owned Puerto Rican business. I purchased the Mini Coqui charm and although it is dainty, it is a solid sturdy well-made charm. I got a piece of jewelry that I love and is unique to my culture and at the same time I support a family owned business. I am very happy and will buy from again. Thank you to Daniela Barquet for the fast shipping.

  • G Davidson

    G Davidson


    Love this family-owned business. Always pleasant and helpful. Beautiful jewelry - we are the proud owners of several pieces. Will be back again for more!

  • Ivonne Garcia

    Ivonne Garcia


    I love this jewelry store! Have ordered several beautiful pieces from them and the service is stellar (even when mailing to Ohio!) and the jewelry is gorgeous and unique. I loved my latest bracelet with the PR flag so much I bought four more to share with a friend, my sister, and my two nieces (all Puerto Ricans)!




    Coquí el Original offers unique and wonderful jewelry items backed by excellent and friendly customer service which makes you feels like a family member. Also they have a fast delivery service.

  • Norma Mojica

    Norma Mojica


    This is the fourth time I purchased a Coqui charm that fits my Pandora bracelet I must said the owners and Daniela who took care of me via email, text and phone calls whenever I had a question she is always so kind to answer any of them. I look forward going back to Puerto Rico to stop by abut it’s so nice that I can order online as well. Thank you Daniela 🇵🇷

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