Coquí El Original i San Juan

Puerto RicoCoquí El Original



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201, Calle Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-3366
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4650369, Longitude: -66.1156958

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yamaris Maldonado Pérez


    Great customer service and value. Highly recommended.

  • la mala

    la mala


    Best place to stop and shop when in the old San Juan area

  • David Nelson

    David Nelson


    Beautiful charms...Wife and I love them...Owner was very friendly and helpful... Highly recommend...

  • en

    marina nunez


    I lost my coqui silver charm, the little loop connected to my coqui I guess opened up and now I'm missing my coqui. I've reached them twice and no response. All I wanted was for it to have the coqui replaced as I already have the round ball that connects it. And I was willing to pay. Never again! Not a happy customer.

  • Zoraya Maldonado

    Zoraya Maldonado


    Beautiful and unique charms, as well as an array of other jewely! As a true Puerto Rican, the featured Coqui on the front of the store was the hook. I went in with the intent to just browse but ended purchasing several charms, one of which was the Coqui. Charms are created to wear with any charm bracelet, which I feel was very smart of Mr. Barquet. Both Mr. Barquet and his wife were present and attending clients. They are very gracious and professional individuals. The merchandise was beautifully packaged, and is available for shipping. Overall, I'm extremely pleased with the charms, and every time I wear them on my bracelet, they are immediately noticed and become conversation pieces.

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