Dr. Rodríguez Terry - Cirugía Facial, Abdomen y Busto i San Juan

Puerto RicoDr. Rodríguez Terry - Cirugía Facial, Abdomen y Busto



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703, Avenida Manuel Fernández Juncos, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-7070
internet side: www.rodriguezterry.com
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Latitude: 18.4532786, Longitude: -66.0852591

kommentar 5

  • Gloria Snow

    Gloria Snow


    Not worth the wait. No way I'm gonna wait from 10:30 am 'til 5:16pm for a service he didn't even delivered. U wanna a good doctor? Research, reasearch and research a little more. They'll be strict but will give you what you want. There're plenty of doctors here in PR as good as him. Staff is nice and cordial

  • Katherine Ramirez

    Katherine Ramirez


    My appointment was at 1pm and I was not attended until 4:30pm for a 10 minute procedure. I had already been charged hours before seeing the doctor so I felt compromised to stay. Both the front staff and the doctor were nice and helpful but quite frankly the results were not what I expected and it definitely wasn't worth the wait.

  • Alin Blanchet

    Alin Blanchet


    Dr Rodriguez Terry performed my breast augmentation back in 2013 after my second pregnancy. I must say many people thought my breast were natural. The procedure and results exceeded my expectations. After 6 years, I decided to remove my implants and correct any changes the implants might have caused. I went back to Dr. Rodriguez Terry’s office due to his professionalism, knowledge and candor. He suggested a breast lift in conjunction with fat grafting. It has been 3 months since my surgery and I could not be happier with the results. The size is perfect and the scaring is almost to a minimum. I honestly did not expect to look better than with the implants nevertheless, I am happier now than I was before. I highly recommend him.

  • Jackeline De Jesus

    Jackeline De Jesus


    Amazing doctor, the results are spectacular. Dr. Rodriguez takes his time to speak to you about the procedures. After the procedure he explains all things you have to do to have a perfect results. I have had two procedures with him with no complaints of the outcome, results as expected. Dr. Rodriguez Terry and all staff were very attentive and caring during my post op recovery. This is an excellent plastic surgeon, number one choice of Puerto Rico.

  • Marie Lynn Quiñones

    Marie Lynn Quiñones


    I have to agree that the wait can be longer than expected, since there are many patients waiting to be evaluated by Dr. Rodriguez Terry. However, the wait is worth it. This doctor takes his time to speak to you about the procedures, your concerns and provides medical alternatives to achieve that desired look. I have had several procedures with him with no complaints of the outcome. Dr. Rodriguez Terry and his staff were very attentive during my post op recovery. This is an excellent plastic surgeon.

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