Hospital Pavía - Santurce i San Juan

Puerto RicoHospital Pavía - Santurce



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1462, Calle Profesor Augusto Rodríguez, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-641-1616
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4447111, Longitude: -66.0696024

kommentar 5

  • Vivian Hernandez

    Vivian Hernandez


    I have an appointment for a sonogram at 1:20 pm and it has been an hour and they have not called yet. I don't understand why they give appointments if they can call you at your appointed time.

  • Sandra Dávila

    Sandra Dávila


    If You're cronic asthmatic,don't go that ER Hospital cause put me in a treatment like Covid person and never see a Pulmology and didn't put me asthma therapy, just call her that happen and told she was rush and go to to the ER and order to see a Pulmonony again.Never call me and I went to Ashford Hospital ER quickly treatment to my condition.IM A HIGH RISK Person.i'm total deception.The news said take care the people with high risk of health,I'm a patient not the dr. to command your profession.The pulmonary office in Clinical las Americas,and she is part of Pavia pulmonary Center.Please I'm a human.Follow ta Hipocrates doctrine. SAVE A LIVE.I hope consider my problem.Thanks.

  • Chelsey Elizabeth

    Chelsey Elizabeth


    Arrived to the ER at 4:45am as the only person waiting. FOUR hours later I was told all they would is give me a referral. $200 up front + $100 (cash only) for physician to do absolutely nothing. Also, the waiting room is a tundra. Don’t waste your time, you might as well die at home.

  • Marisol Santos

    Marisol Santos


    On 9/12/19.about 6:15 pm. I called long distance looking for a patient and customer service.Immediately transferred my call to the right area. I honestly appreciate what they did for me. Awesome service. Great Job!!

  • Chris Horstkamp

    Chris Horstkamp


    Worst ER ever. My friend broke his ankle and after six hours they didn't even see him so we left. No one spoke English. Decent hot chocolate.

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