San Jorge Children & Women’s Hospital i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Jorge Children & Women’s Hospital



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258, Calle San Jorge, 00912, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-727-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4468796, Longitude: -66.0630394

kommentar 5

  • Pumping Goddess

    Pumping Goddess


    First of all they don’t clean the basic areas. The lactation room is dirty (even the sink). The wait period in the ER is awful (you could actually wait just to know what’s going on about 7 hrs or more). There are nurses with lack of empathy for babies. This is NOT a place where you want to take for baby (at least not the ER).

  • Juan Carreras

    Juan Carreras


    Waiting time is horrible. My daughter had a terrible stomach pain. We thought it was apendicitis. We waited about 3.5 hours but no one called us. I had to take my daughter out of there to another hospital. Don’t visit that emergency room.

  • Papi Chulo , .

    Papi Chulo , .


    They helped me with my bleeding nose 😁

  • Gia Joe

    Gia Joe


    This is horrible. Was seen in about 2 hours, but then had to wait 4 hours for prescriptions and results. I had forgotten how bad medical attention is in Puerto Rico... and this is supposed to be the best. Sad for my sick child and disappointed in the place.

  • Christine Feal

    Christine Feal


    Went in because I was told the hospital attended orthopedic emergencies separately from other emergencies.... not true , they had an 8 hr wait time to see a doctor, and had to sit with my healthy kid in a mad house full of kids throwing up and with fevers... The emergency room was horribly dirty, there was no hand sanitizers in the dispensers and there was one bathroom for about 100 people that sat wherever they found a spot on the floor because the waiting room was not equipped for the amount of patients they had. The staff in the Information center at the ER was not a people person, and was all out rude. Once we got to the doctor she was very polite and kind , all in all I would have to think about it to go back in there , hopefully not.

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