Econo i Caguas

Puerto RicoEcono



🕗 åbningstider

Calle 1, 00725, Caguas, Bairoa, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-744-7880
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2554034, Longitude: -66.0373044

kommentar 5

  • Brian Castillo

    Brian Castillo


    Most of the time they have enough cashiers. Always organized and you get in and out quick. They are following the COVID-19 protocol. The only bad thing is that sometimes the Deli stinks a little...

  • Katherine Figueroa-Silva

    Katherine Figueroa-Silva


    Excellent safety measures taken by establishment, though clients don't follow distancing once inside. Store clean and tidy, well stocked shelves. Cash register area will organized and once again, safety precautions taken at all moments.

  • Antonio Danilo Cordero Anglerau

    Antonio Danilo Cordero Anglerau


    You find almost anything here. Even Keto dit bread.

  • Enid Bobbitt

    Enid Bobbitt


    Parking can be challenging sometimes but store is clean and well stock. Love the meat 🍖 selection and quality.

  • Maria M Ramirez (Millie)

    Maria M Ramirez (Millie)


    Done within the last hour and it all went smoothly...💖 Mi Pueblo de Caguas 💋

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