Freshmart i Caguas

Puerto RicoFreshmart



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E-9, Avenida Luis Muñoz Marín, 00725, Caguas, Caguas, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-905-7800
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.237947, Longitude: -66.0195383

kommentar 5

  • en

    Erik Budrow


    Very nice clean store with friendly and helpful people, and plenty of organic or "natural" products that you can't find elsewhere in Caguas. Some staff can speak English. Sadly most of the produce is not organic...which I am realizing is a tall order in Puerto Rico. Probably the best health food store in Caguas, nonetheless.

  • es

    Victoria Jimenez


    Muy buena calificacion para ellos los representantes fueron muy amables conmigo y me ayudaron a conseguir lo que necesitaba tiene 5 estrellas

  • Erin Barnes

    Erin Barnes


    It reminds me of Natural Grocer's or Sprouts in the US mainland. A mini Whole Foods. Very nice and clean and aesthetically pleasing with a small cafe and Foreteza chocolate. Lots of organic!

  • Migdalia de Jesus de Jesus

    Migdalia de Jesus de Jesus


    Puedes encontrar alimentos frescos orgánicos, consumir alimentos saludables preparados con alimentos orgánicos para una buena salud.Encontrarás variedad de productos que te ayudarán a tener una mejor salud.

  • Cass Pugh

    Cass Pugh


    A health food gem. Great hot/cold lunch bar with vegetarian and vegan options as well as chicken. Nice to find a place that doesn't have pork in everything!!

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