El Bosque i Aibonito

Puerto RicoEl Bosque



🕗 åbningstider

2, Calle 3, 00705, Aibonito, Pasto, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-735-8215
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.1258735, Longitude: -66.2838925

kommentar 5

  • Luis Alvarado

    Luis Alvarado


    Nice ambience, but not good food

  • German Ruiz

    German Ruiz


  • Joshua Colon

    Joshua Colon


    Good satisfied

  • es

    Carmen Abad


  • en

    Jorge Ramos


    Worst service ever. They should know that kids food should be serve first. Long wait with just 2 tables filled on entire restaurant Food came one by one, didn't serve all the people at once but the time from one to another was ridiculous and food was cold. Asked to fix my bill and another wait of more than 10 minutes and it wasn't crowded. Seems that the owner need to be more often on the restaurant if not I will see this place closed in several months because no one will eat there. Don't make the mistake I did. There's a better one at front calls El Balconcito Criollo. Or go to another place where you are valued as a customer.

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