El Estudio, Yoga I Love You i San Juan

Puerto RicoEl Estudio, Yoga I Love You



🕗 åbningstider

1511, Avenida de la Constitución, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: www.yogailoveyou.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.445385, Longitude: -66.0668575

kommentar 5

  • I A

    I A


    If your looking for a yoga studio there’s no better place than El Estudio. Great location and vibe. Wonderful and friendly instructors especially Anne. Definitely recommended.

  • Sheldon Zhai

    Sheldon Zhai


    Nice studio! Great teachers.

  • Adriana Margarita Vásquez Duarte

    Adriana Margarita Vásquez Duarte


    Great yoga , great ambiance, beautiful space. Recomended.

  • Alexandra Yodice

    Alexandra Yodice


    I practiced here for two years while I lived in PR. I truly miss it. I fell in love with yoga, focused on developing and strengthing my practice. Valerie is an incredible teacher, truly inspired and one that inspires, very knowledgeable, kind, great when doing adjustments (always mindful of your body and your capabilities), and great guided meditations. Their signature Hip Flow is such a great class, don’t miss it! Her closings for class are also one to look out for, a true treat, she really makes it her own. An amazing space to practice, very clean, beautiful local things at their boutique, a shower to easily get ready for your day, secure area, and garage parking. El Estudio is located in the heart of Santurce, you can easily go for coffee or lunch a few steps away. A true oasis of yoga and friendly faces in the middle of the city! A must! I visit every time I’m in town. Namaste

  • Jose Medina

    Jose Medina


    Good teachers and the atmosphere is appropiate to practice. A bit expensive though.

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