Planet Fitness i San Juan

Puerto RicoPlanet Fitness



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1511 Ponce De Leon, Ste 1 Ponce De Leon, Ste 1, San Juan, 00909, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-919-0220
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.445817, Longitude: -66.066591

kommentar 5

  • N Spades

    N Spades


    Friendly bilingual staff, plenty of machines, validated parking. The weights area could be bigger and I'd love some drinks other than gater/ poweade. As far as gyms go this is a perfect gym away from gym while I am here.

  • Ms. Ortega Perez

    Ms. Ortega Perez


    Not only are they making you pay during the pandemic, you have to go there physically and risk your wellbeing to cancel it.

  • Kode Knox

    Kode Knox


    I was told by planet fitness managers that is was not required to work out with a mask cover your nose. The manager at this location approached me with hostility and very confrontational. And then got in a threatening stance when I told her stop talking to me because I’m working out and I have my mask on. She continued. I’m paying member but I’m doing planet fitness. I think her name was Katilene.

  • Carlos Mora

    Carlos Mora


    It is very great the way social distancing is being handled inside the gym. Employees and gym goers alike are following cleaning procedures at all times. It is a wonderful and safe experience for all.

  • Kirsty M

    Kirsty M


    Filthy floors. They do not clean them and if they do they just run a dust mop over it so the dust collects in the floor. Its very disgusting. Also no mats? So I have to workout on the floor? I was told by an employee that masks are required for work out. Eat one cause i'm not wearing one while I'm working out. Worst PF I ever been to.

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