El Jibarito i San Juan

Puerto RicoEl Jibarito



🕗 åbningstider

280, Calle del Sol, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-8375
internet side: eljibarito.business.site
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Latitude: 18.4671212, Longitude: -66.1146498

kommentar 5

  • Hakim Myers

    Hakim Myers


    Very cool spot! My girlfriend took me here as a surprise and the food was amazing. All local dishes, your taste buds will be HAPPY. The sangria was great as well. Be prepared for a wait/line, they get busy!

  • James Baxter

    James Baxter


    Believe the hype and wait the line out. Great little place I recommend the Christmas Special. Probably one of the best and most affordable places I stopped at the whole trip. 1000% worth it.

  • Abigail Toledo

    Abigail Toledo


    Covid19 update-7/2021: limited number of people still in effect and long waiting time for a table. Once they take your order, is a long time to eat too. Compared to other restaurants the waiting to eat after the order is too much. Very friendly atmosphere and service. Prices affordable. Good food.

  • Alina Huet

    Alina Huet


    This restaurant is very good. Food is delicious and services is very good as well. The wait is not that long and is worth it if any. I highly recommend. In my opinion the best restaurant in San Juan.

  • Tina Seideman

    Tina Seideman


    Great local cuisine at a pretty good value. The atmosphere also feels very local, not like a tourist trap. The service is also pretty good. There was a pretty long wait when my group tried to get in, but it was raining which might have slowed tables down.

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