Café Manolín Old San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafé Manolín Old San Juan



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251, Calle de San Justo, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-9743
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4649345, Longitude: -66.1151892

kommentar 5

  • Darius Chinoy

    Darius Chinoy


    The food was decent. I don't understand the hype to be honest. I had mofongo with Beef and rice and beans. The saving grace of the meal was definitely the sauces they gave with them but overall this place was overrated given how many places and people recommended it

  • Sonia Arroyo Ortiz

    Sonia Arroyo Ortiz


    They have limited number of tables and an old fashioned diner style counter which is cool. While I understand they were busy, I was disappointed with the unfriendly staff member that took our order. I was more disappointed with my mortadella (salami) sandwich. It had only two slices of salami with a slice of cheese and nothing else.

  • Ankit Puri

    Ankit Puri


    Wow! What awesome food. Comfort local cuisines with no frills! Really friendly staff and even more amazing food. This is definitely a must.

  • Anthony LoFrisco Jr

    Anthony LoFrisco Jr


    Great old school diner. No frills but a seriously fantastic breakfast served by polite, professional waiters. A local favorite, it's also very affordable to boot.

  • Esther



    Best place to enjoy puertorican good. Love it. And met Benito Lopez, a genuine good man and better waiter! Don’t miss this place if you visit San Juan

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