Bad Ass Coffee i San Juan

Puerto RicoBad Ass Coffee


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202, Calle San Francisco, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-3897
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4655776, Longitude: -66.115892

kommentar 5

  • Dan Nicewander

    Dan Nicewander


    Excellent coffee!

  • Shannon Sha

    Shannon Sha


    Apparently this is a Hawaiian company, so dunno how happy San Juan is to have this branch. But the barista was very friendly, and the cafe is very cozy and comfortable. The coffee was yummy and muffin moist. The ice cubes are actually iced coffee, so they don't water down anything

  • David Tuten

    David Tuten


    Very good coffee. Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. Must try 😊

  • en

    Cindia Alvira


    I'm only here one time but it was very nice. I got the frozen coffee almond mocha and it was delicious and refreshing in this heat. The establishment itself was kept very clean.

  • Dustin Ramsdell

    Dustin Ramsdell


    Great drinks, good prices, friendly staff, and a cozy atmosphere make this a great stop for caffeination while you explore Old San Juan!

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