Café Cuatro Sombras Old San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoCafé Cuatro Sombras Old San Juan



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259, Calle Recinto Sur, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-9955
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4643249, Longitude: -66.114336

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nelson O. Casillas


    Very relaxing place. Good prices and just what you need to start your day or end it.

  • Mónica Rosado

    Mónica Rosado


    Great place; cozy and chill. Awesome coffee and service. The black forrest ham croissant with guava butter is to die for! It's a great place for one-on-one meetings and study sessions. Will definitely be visiting again soon!

  • en

    luis guillermo aguilar


    Nice place. Nice coffee. Nice sandwiches. No Wi-Fi

  • Joe Khawly

    Joe Khawly


    Must visit when in Old San Juan. It’s one of the great coffee shops where there is no loud music. PERFECT. The coffee is local and tastes great alongside good pastries.

  • Jesse Ledbetter

    Jesse Ledbetter


    Lovely staff and fare. Their coffee is local and fresh, as much of the coffee on the island seems to be (the average cup here seems so much better than elsewhere). As with so much of the island the old world charm of the building is half the attractions. The inclusion of local ingredients in the breakfast offerings adds to the appeal of the meal, whether it be a light starter or something more filling. Would certainly recommend this over some of the chains (larger, like $tarbucks, and smaller that are found on the island).

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