Don Collins i San Juan

Puerto RicoDon Collins



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59, Calle del Cristo, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-2983
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4666243, Longitude: -66.1182554

kommentar 5

  • Sunshine Grind

    Sunshine Grind


    LOVE the shop and the history attached to it... tried the cigar soaked in rum... #amazing

  • Carlos Gonzalez

    Carlos Gonzalez


    Perfect place to smoke a premium cigar: 100% Puerto Rican hand-rolled tobacco

  • Isaac Maue

    Isaac Maue


    I came to old San Juan on a family vacation and wanted to load up on some cigars for the stay. After researching on the internet for some of the better cigar shops in the town, I was excited to come to Don Collins and try their cigars. Obviously, my star rating shows that my expectations had been let down severely. The building is beautiful, but I was there for the goods. I walked in the door and see a desk with 2 small desk top humidors with a few cigars that appear to be the same but just different ring sizes. Thinking that that could not possibly be their only selection, I asked the young woman to see their humidor for more variety and was led back to the desk in the front. I was a little shocked that this was all that they had but continued to ask questions about the cigars and eventually bought a few. The staff member did not seem very knowledgeable about the cigars and informed me that the only long filler cigar was the lonsdale. Strange.. why would the lonsdale be the only cigar in their line that had a proper long filler tobacco? I picked up two just because I was itching for some smokes and I had read that this place had the best in town. The cigar was a short filler (tiny chopped up pieces, like a cigarette) not a premium long filler stick. After reading all of the 5 star reviews I was confused if no one knew what a good cigar is or not??? IMHO this is not the place for someone that enjoys premium cigars. Down the street is a place called “cigar house” and this place is the definition of a cigar lovers dream. The vast amounts of cigars in the massive walk in humidors is mesmerizing. I could’ve spent hours walking around looking at their products. Too bad I only had 100 dollars with me. Anyway, that is for a different review. It’s easy to say that I was incredibly disappointed with Don Collins. I mean no belittling by my review. This is just my %100 honest opinion.

  • Carlos Callejas

    Carlos Callejas


    Son muy atentos

  • Carlos H. Callejas

    Carlos H. Callejas


    En plena ciert fiesta de San Sebastián Puerto Rico. Ellos atienden con cordialidad. Eso es servicio. Muy bien.

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