Faro del Castillo San Felipe del Morro i San Juan

Puerto RicoFaro del Castillo San Felipe del Morro



🕗 åbningstider

Ballajá, San Juan, 00926, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-729-6960
internet side: www.nps.gov
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.471052, Longitude: -66.123617

kommentar 5

  • P. J. Murray

    P. J. Murray


    Go see it. Impressive fort. Wear good walking shoes. Gonna be busy if cruise ships are in port.

  • Triple R

    Triple R


    What a great piece of rustic history ! Unfortunate for the struggles of the times, but what an amazing monument if human survival strategies !!

  • Kathy



    Great breeze, and city views, not a lot off historical information.

  • Rose Iris

    Rose Iris


    Amazing place to go with your family. Right in front of the Morro the perfect winds to fly kites. Spectacular views everywhere you go. We did the tour for this place and we loved everything. So much history and beauty preserved. It’s a must stop if you go to Puerto Rico.

  • elena breganze

    elena breganze


    Is a beautiful place where you can go , the people are friendly the food is good . I went by cruise many time and all the time I go , I fell like to be the first time.

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