Ficus i San Juan

Puerto RicoFicus


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100, Convention Blvd, 00907, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-946-0944
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.454056, Longitude: -66.0911033

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jeffrey Maldonado


    Never again. I don't know about the drinks, but the food is really bad and expensive.

  • Whitney French

    Whitney French


    GREAT atmosphere, GREAT food, and GREAT location (walking distance from the Sheraton hotel and convention center)! My bf and I just got in town thursday night and was having trouble finding a place to eat some good quality food, so he spotted this place and at 12am they were still serving. We ended up ordering food and drinks and everything came out perfectly fresh as if they just opened. The Fajitas and steak Burritos are to die for!!!

  • Adam Rosario

    Adam Rosario


    Buena música, cervezas frías y comida mexicana. I love it!!!

  • Kaleb Camacho

    Kaleb Camacho


    This restaurant is located right in front of the Convention Center and Sheraton Hotel. It has great prices and a fun atmosphere. The Flautas were very good!! A good spot to get your drink on with friends :)

  • Mike Stachewicz

    Mike Stachewicz


    Service was pretty bad. Took well over 5 minutes from the time we sat at the bar to get some beers. Menu selection was pretty limited. I ordered the steakburger and it was actually really good. There are lots of complaints in reviews about tacos. I didn't have any but they were a common order and always pretty sad looking considering what they cost. Its an OK spot of you're at the Sheraton and don't feel like venturing out for food, but don't go out of your way to come here.

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