Waiter’s i San Juan

Puerto RicoWaiter’s



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Ashford Avenue, 00908, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-1611
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.458303, Longitude: -66.076042

kommentar 5

  • emv pro

    emv pro


    Great customer service! Great food! Must visit if your in town. Magnificent!

  • Ryan Utara

    Ryan Utara


    Only one local beer on tap (Medalla light) which isn't bad but not what I'd expected. More of a liquor bar - but the food was great though I'd say on the pricey side. I liked it but would not return because of lack of beer selection and price for what I got.

  • en

    Timothy blosser


    Nice little bar restaurant. Ordered paella which was the special. It was awesome. Will definitely recommend.

  • Gummy Boy

    Gummy Boy


    I don't dislike the restaurant but I wouldn't say it's delicious. Presentation was superb, late night accommodations is always great. I didn't enjoy the food, I ordered the mofongo with pulled pork and it was bland, burned and dry. It didn't have any flavor and the dish was overwhelmed by the sauce of the pork. Nevertheless I ate it all because I was starving and I complemented with a TIP. Mofongo is 1.3 out of 10 the execution was beautiful but it completely lacked flavor. Service was fast and I didn't feel left out but this is Puerto Rico everyone is super nice.

  • en

    Leeann Melton


    Love Carla and Javier! This is the best customer service on the island! Love it! Will absolutely be back on the next trip to San Juan! Made these tourists feel like locals.

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