¡Orale Guey! Mexican Bar & Grill i San Juan

Puerto Rico¡Orale Guey! Mexican Bar & Grill


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1352, Calle Roberts, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-533-6758
internet side: orale-guey-mexican-bar-grill.business.site
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Latitude: 18.4504983, Longitude: -66.0701804

kommentar 5

  • Alexis Rivera

    Alexis Rivera


    Very limited menu. I got a burned quesadilla...

  • Keenan Lambert

    Keenan Lambert


    I came here during the night time to party on Friday and Saturday. Low Cost Drinks! They had a diverse set of popular music(Trap, Hip Hop, Dancehall, Soca, Reggaeton). I had a blast! I'm going back once I get back to Puerto Rico.

  • Madison Jenkins

    Madison Jenkins


    Cool design on inside, nice staff but no AC and extremely hot. Also I had the fajitas and it came with a small small plate of cut up chicken with barely any onions or peppers. And three tortilla shells. A small dish about the size of my hand with guacamole, cheese, tomatos etc. asked for another small dish of toppings considering there was barely anything anyways. And it was ten dollars for just that and more charge for tortillas which is expected but 10 dollars? I find that far fetched after barely having any chicken anyways. That to me is just overpriced and under portioned.

  • en

    Tamera Blankenship


    Fun little Tex-Mex joint. Nice staff. Great happy hour drink specials. The chicken burrito was made with chicken thigh instead of the usual chicken breast - really delicious!

  • en

    Jamie Fisher


    Fantastic food and service. Waiter was kind, funny, and engaging. Food satisfied every want and need. Small space and no air conditioning but overall fantastic restaurant

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