Nagoya Sushi & Tiki Bar Condado i San Juan

Puerto RicoNagoya Sushi & Tiki Bar Condado



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1131, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-777-0379
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Latitude: 18.4564255, Longitude: -66.0724512

kommentar 5

  • Edwin Gonzalez

    Edwin Gonzalez


    My order came out in 25 min considering the place was full it was fast enough for take out! The staff wears N95 masks and they make sure to clean the tables before any other party uses it. Its located next to a parking lot and the menu has an extensive variety of poultry, red meat, sea food and rolls of all kinds. Ask for the Tokyo Roll which includes lobster, eel, salmon and white fish.

  • Chinyere Onwudiegwu

    Chinyere Onwudiegwu


    The food was very delicious, although it took a while before we were noticed to be seated.

  • John Piccone

    John Piccone


    Great place. Very popular and regularly busy.

  • Dave Braet

    Dave Braet


    Very impressed by the quality of sushi and sashimi! Very nice staff and authentic atmosphere in the heart of San Juan. Actually went here twice while on vacation and would go again!

  • sir epii

    sir epii


    Very good food.sadly vivid has it closing at 10pm but worth the eat. Kids loved it and very friendly service.

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