Fundación Nacional Para la Cultura Popular i San Juan

Puerto RicoFundación Nacional Para la Cultura Popular


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56, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-7165
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Latitude: 18.4644206, Longitude: -66.1179402

kommentar 5

  • Doris Nagovitch

    Doris Nagovitch


    An interesting place to visit.

  • Bobby Hill

    Bobby Hill


    Nice looking building love the stain glass artworks on its windows its right by the famous umbrella street in the old san juan and right up the road there's the pigeons park where you get to feed them and they walk on you and fly up to your hands to eat really nice kids might get a bit scare when the pigeons come to eat they will be ok just keep am eye on them so the wont be too scared there's an overwhelming amount of pigeons

  • Carlos Ambert

    Carlos Ambert


    There is a lot of information, pictures, albums, posters, history and memorabilia of the culture makers in Puerto Rico.

  • Alfonso Gomez

    Alfonso Gomez


    Good place to learn about our culture.

  • Maria Rivera Laborde

    Maria Rivera Laborde


    Great place to buy local records LPs, cds, posters and other music memorabilia from Puerto Rico

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