Gustos Coffee Co. Miramar i San Juan

Puerto RicoGustos Coffee Co. Miramar



🕗 åbningstider

950, Puerto Rico 25, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-300-2580
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.453937, Longitude: -66.079857

kommentar 5

  • Zahira Lopez

    Zahira Lopez


    Lovely place to relax. From coffee to artesanal beers to wine and pastries or sandwiches. Love its decor.

  • Maria Procaccino

    Maria Procaccino


    While parking can be an issue (there is only a very small, attended lot with 1 hour free parking) it's worth the wait. Amazing coffee, great pasteries, great sandwiches. A real Café experience.

  • ady padan

    ady padan


    Gustos Miramar is a coffee style breakfast/lunch setting. Service is amazing and food is light, fresh and full of flavors. There is personal contact with the hosts including the baristas, cooks and managers which are open to suggestions and changes. The coffee and their fresh made pastries are amazing, just wish that the blueberries muffins will be available daily. The sitting is outside (fresh air) and inside (great atmosphere). The place is so good that I have my daily lunch and coffee there, no other options are considered. In love with Gustos Miramar.

  • MARA G

    MARA G


    Nice and cozy coffee place. They have vegetarian options on the menu. I order a vegetarian wrap and it was delicious. The coffee was good as well.

  • Ricardo Castro

    Ricardo Castro


    Lattes, espressos, macchiatos...Great espresso bar with alternate milks available. Food is great as well. Highly recommend!

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