Starbucks i San Juan

Puerto RicoStarbucks



🕗 åbningstider

1214, Ashford Ave., 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-523-1030
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4556266, Longitude: -66.0708235

kommentar 5

  • Deanna Paternoster

    Deanna Paternoster


    Love the quesitos and banana split frape!!

  • en

    John Dallaire


    Always consistent product just about anywhere in the world. This Starbucks was above average however. The display case was packed but not messy. Service was quick and very friendly. The place was clean. And it felt like they genuinely enjoyed helping me. They even up sold me to a Columbian shot with such ease, I couldn't resist. Seeing all the pictures of smiling employees helping out at local events, posted over the sugar and cream station, was a really nice touch. I'd like to see that in more Starbucks. Right across from the Marriott this Starbucks is perfectly located. Thumbs up please if like this review.

  • Julia Hustler

    Julia Hustler


    My frapuccino was made correctly, tasted perfect, quick service, clean restroom and no key required.

  • en

    Arjan AJ


    Fast internet and comfy chairs. It just is a bit too cold inside and often too warm or too windy outside.

  • ilse bittmann

    ilse bittmann


    Typischer Starbucks Coffee Shop, flotte Bedienung,guter Kaffee und leckerer Zitronen Kuchen😉

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