Honda de San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoHonda de San Juan



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Marginal Ave. Kennedy, Km 3.2, Urb. Insdustrial Bechara Pueblo Viejo, San Juan, 00920, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-339-5065
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.425162, Longitude: -66.094892

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rosa Caamano


    I give a 1 recaude after a week and a half I pick my car in The morning relying that everything was fine bit in the afternoon I noticed that The drivers window is the only one working. Cant comprehend why I have ti wait for an appointment since the windows were working properly when I left The car at The Honda on Wednesday March 28th

  • Jorge Pérez-Renta

    Jorge Pérez-Renta


    So good I ended up with a new car!!! Excellent service.

  • Jean C. Concepción

    Jean C. Concepción


    The experience with Honda of San Juan was absolutely incredible I don't regret a single dime that I spent today in my new SUV. I recommend this place to anyone because with honesty and respect they will go the extra mile just when my hopes were none. Excellent.

  • BrOmar



    On New Year’s eve, we came in with the intention to purchase a new car. We asked for an English speaking sales associate since my wife does not speak Spanish. It took some time, but we finally had someone come assist us. With some hesitation and minor negotiation, we came to an agreement to do business. We drove off with a 2018 Honda! Dealership staff was happy since they sold a unit before the new year, as well as the salesman. Unfortunately, there was an issue with the trade pay-off which caused us to return the new vehicle back yesterday. I notified the salesman of the poor news and told him that we were on our way to the dealership. He was adamant about us not returning the vehicle, which is understandable since he gets paid in commission. Here’s when things went south… Upon arriving to the dealership, the receptionist paged our salesman “Samuel Reyes” three times. Although he saw us in the showroom, he ignored the page and hid behind a desk. Twenty minutes passed when my wife went directly to the office in which he was clearly hiding. When she greeted him, he barely looked at her and simply nodded at her. She made him aware that we were there waiting for him and he rudely interrupted her saying, “I know you’re here, I’m filling out the ‘proper’ paperwork for the return.” My wife, being the nice-sweet woman she is, smiled and walked away. When she explained to us what happened, my blood literally boiled. Being in the business as a F&I Manager myself and previously a sales associate, I was extremely disappointed with the lack of his customer service. I understand that he might have felt that he worked for 3 hours and lost a deal, so therefore he isn’t making any money. However, whatever his reason may have been is NO EXCUSE for his poor attitude and rude behavior. His demeanor and performance is a direct reflection of this particular dealership, along with its management. It is clear that the management team allows their sales team to run all over them and customers alike. Never again will we purchase from this dealership!

  • en

    Richard Morales


    Excellent and professional sales personnel. Great selection of new and certified used Honda cars and SUVs. Although, at premium prices. The service area is at the highest standards. One of the best car dealerships in the country.

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