Triangle Toyota of San Juan i San Juan Puerto Rico

Puerto RicoTriangle Toyota of San Juan



🕗 åbningstider

223, Expreso John F. Kennedy, 00976, San Juan Puerto Rico, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-389-0190
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.422876, Longitude: -66.097085

kommentar 5

  • es



    Agente de ventas me colgo en la cara cuando le dije que no estaba interesado en la Jeep Wrangler que me ofrecía porque yo estaba llamando a la Toyota por un Toyota.

  • en

    Luis Ortiz


    The service advisor Agneris is excelent

  • Jean Irizarry

    Jean Irizarry


    I went for information about the cars and the first two sellers told me to search on the internet for specifications. Went another day and the seller was great with the information.

  • Rafael Defendini

    Rafael Defendini


    The salesman on the shop floor are good with people. They don't know all the perks in the car and they just refer you to their web site, but at least they will make you feel good. The manager needs a class on how to treat people and how to be a salesman. Even the people on the floor would avoid him. I'm not planning in returning to this dealer.

  • es

    Alonso M. Lopez


    Setvicio y atencion excelente. Alonso M Lopez

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