Horse and Ponys inc i Yabucoa

Puerto RicoHorse and Ponys inc



🕗 åbningstider

Guayabota, Yabucoa 00723, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-295-6995
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Latitude: 18.0719343, Longitude: -65.9926488

kommentar 5




    Great place to bring your kids

  • Elsa Ruiz

    Elsa Ruiz


    It's a Zoo for Farm Animals, Great for Children Birthday parties, Family Gatherings & hanging out on Special occasions.....lots of beautiful animals of every kind.... Great Place and Donations are for a Great cause.

  • Jose Fernandez

    Jose Fernandez


    Must visit the place, is simple but the views of the area and the amount of farm animals is incredible. Don't let the road trip make you quit. Is a good mix of humane society and farm village animals. Nice horseback ride to the top of mountain.

  • Teewhiz Rod

    Teewhiz Rod


    Great place to enjoy a day with da animals.

  • Adam Lind

    Adam Lind


    We really enjoyed visiting. It was a bit of a drive from Dorado, but a great excuse to visit a part of the island we hadn’t been to yet. Definitely use the location here on Google Maps as opposed to searching in Waze or clicking through from Facebook to Apple Maps. Both of those took us to the wrong place. (I’m going to try and submit fixes, but this listing here DEFINITELY gets you there) Excited to go back when our 1yr old is a bit older, so he can stand and feed animals himself. We had a good time, thank you!!

nærmeste Zoo

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