Kira's World Exotics Mini Zoo i Vega Baja

Puerto RicoKira's World Exotics Mini Zoo



🕗 åbningstider

Calle D, 00693, Vega Baja, Pugnado Afuera, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-675-2431
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4297282, Longitude: -66.4312195

kommentar 5

  • Jeannette Villafane

    Jeannette Villafane


    Great for all ages. Well kept and several exotic animals I’d never seen in person. Had a nice family and reasonable cost.

  • Sonia Gutierrez

    Sonia Gutierrez


    I recently visited this place and we loved it. My family and I had a great experience and my one year old enjoyed looking at the animals. Please support places like this one. She takes care of the animals and you can tell they are being loved and well cared.

  • Luis Martinez

    Luis Martinez


    If you want to see some exoctic animals, it is a nice place. They explain what they are and from which country. Easy to go from PR-670 from Manatí to Vega Baja Sector Parcelas Panaini. It is a small place but very clean. Fee entrance is $ 5.00 per person.

  • Devin Baptiste

    Devin Baptiste


    Our family loved this place! Not huge but filled with beautiful animals and a great, kind, engaging staff. They gave us a tour in English. Definitely worth checking out!

  • Manuel De La Texera

    Manuel De La Texera


    Staff members are friendly and animals are beautiful, also what they do with animals (taking cafe of them) very nice.

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