Hospital Metropolitano San Francisco i San Juan

Puerto RicoHospital Metropolitano San Francisco



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#371, Calle De Diego, 00923, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-767-5100
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3990299, Longitude: -66.0387156

kommentar 5

  • Victor Labiosa

    Victor Labiosa


    Excellent service

  • Brenda Liz Sanchez Cruz

    Brenda Liz Sanchez Cruz


    People come here to die. This is something I can guarantee, my grandfather died waiting to receive medical assistance. They only have one doctor in the overnight shift. No one is friendly, and no one shows care or empathy. Worst service and treatment. Every time i come here I wait no less than 9 hours. This place should be checked by the law enforcement.

  • Robert Feliberty

    Robert Feliberty


    They need to be more careful how handle parents. I went with an old diabetic man and they did not took any measure shorten the process. It took more than 1 hour after arriving to see the doctor, at 3 hours the blood was drawn; and after more than 4 hours after arriving and because i have to intervene, the ct scan be done. Every patient have needs and limitations, their process doesn’t properly account for them.

  • David



    They do not use real Quiznos turkey it is a textured soy and turkey product . it is filled with holes . The swiss cheese did not have holes. Half of a sheet of paper was used on the tray. The owner just sat in the corner, did not offer me a refund . He did not even help out the 2 workers during the lunch rush. The workers seem to do the best they can but the boss is a crook . I was overcharged by $0.50 . vegetables were left off .The ones present were very thin link Ronco was slicing them. The prices are higher than normal Quiznos, less staff, dirty tables, no bathroom, no place to wash hands, and grey prison meat. This store is a shame, and at a hospital! Do the doctors not know it is imitation lunch meat??

  • Izzy Santa

    Izzy Santa


    The attention to detail in ICU is abysmal. Three days in a row I found needles laying around – bed, floor, and sink – as opposed to being discarded. Blood is poorly drawn, leaving stains on gowns and sheets, and patient's arms bruise all the way to their armpits. Patients in ICU should be rotated laterally in the side-lying position every three hours – that doesn’t occur. Staff just lacks self-initiative and empathy.

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