San Juan Capestrano Hospital i San Juan

Puerto RicoSan Juan Capestrano Hospital



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Camino Las Lomas Capuccino, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-625-2900
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3846941, Longitude: -66.0222886

kommentar 5

  • Rami’s World ocean or nature

    Rami’s World ocean or nature


    Hola my name is heather and I’m waiting to be transferred over there against my will. I read the reviews and I’m scared. I have money, can someone please come and break me out. One with a private plane would be perfect. Thank u

  • Ileana Diaz

    Ileana Diaz


    I have been here twice in the last year, to bring a family member, and the waiting time is just insulting. Last time I got here at ~5:00pm and got out at 6:00am not kidding. This time the waiting time has been 6 hours and counting... It seems there is no personnel. And when you ask the women in reception is not nice at all, they are all very angry/hostile. There was an emergency with one of the patients and they called a Red Code and nobody came for a while, they had to get everyone out until the personnel came. It’s really sad that not even the private hospitals like this work on this Island for mental health issues. It is obvious these types of patients will get desperate with this ridiculous wait times but nobody seems to care or do nothing. This WILL DEFINITELY be my last time in this HELL hole. Please don’t come here, any other place is better!!!

  • Julizabeth Orienda

    Julizabeth Orienda


    Leaving one star because it requires me to. The nurse that takes your vitals is judgemental and extremely unprofessional. The psychologist/doctor that sees you is also extremely disrespectful and unprofessional. I hope they lose their licenses or lose their jobs one day. The behavior these people exhibited when my partner and I were there trying to be admitted was being atrocious. They kept my partner against his will for up to 8 hours, no one attended us until we attempted to leave. They kept us there to charge his insurance. We asked several times for assistance or a paper for refusal of care and they refused. I have stayed in the worst hospital on the island and still was attended faster than we were here. They also told me the only treatment they could provide me or my partner was ECT. Which, is usually for patients with severe disorders such as bipolar or schizophrenia or depression. Also while they were seeing my partner to see if he’d be admitted they told him everything I had previously stated which is against HIPPA. Do not go here, they are beyond horrible.

  • Miguel Gonzales

    Miguel Gonzales


    Outstanding customer service and friendly environment. Save my life on 1990 and want to thanks all my counseling staffs Today spoke with Ms Amarid and she was a very helpful and friendly. Outstanding customer service provider. She gets 5 stars from her professionalism dealing with the public.

  • Luz Rosario

    Luz Rosario


    Be careful. My brother was a patient in this hospital and almost died. He was malnourished and dirty. They kept him sleeping all day and over medicated. He ended up in the ER fighting for his life. Has anyone else had a similar experience? This is him in the hospital. He was only 41.

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