Hotel Milano i San Juan

Puerto RicoHotel Milano



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307, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-729-9050
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.465466, Longitude: -66.113825

kommentar 5

  • Tammy Hilton

    Tammy Hilton


    DO NOT STAY AT THIS HOTEL !!! We were booked here for the night before our cruise it was cancelled due to COVID. They refused to refund the money we had paid.

  • Laura Penrod

    Laura Penrod


    Reservation was for 2 Superior rooms with a view and 2 full beds with a request that they be together since we were traveling with our 3 older teens. When we arrived they told us they did not have two rooms on the same floor. So they gave us two rooms on different floors. When the hubby and I arrived to our room we were appauled. The paint on the wall was pealing. The "View" was of the roof of an abndonded building. The window was broken. AND there was only one bed, SO NOT the room we reserved or paid for. The first lady we spoke to at the desk was not helpful. Not rooms to move us to. No refund. But she had plenty of attitude. The second lady we spoke to was a little more helpful. She refunded us the difference in the cost of the rooms and offered a roll away bed to accomodate our family of 5. However, the roll away was a nasty, crusty thing that we were afraid to put our daughter on. If we were going to be staying any longer than one night I would have definately found another hotel. One GREAT things...our ship wasn't scheduled to disembark until late in the day on day 2, so the hotel did allow us to sore our luggage there during the day while we explored the beautiful city of Old San Juan.

  • K Awesome Kelly

    K Awesome Kelly


    Open can of something left in refrigerator, heard elevator and kitchen noise. Room was large and clean. Bathroom nice and clean. (room 402)

  • Numm S

    Numm S


    For $140 a night, you would expect a little better room for the price. The room itself is so old and outdated. The bathtub surface is peeling off. The baseboard is peeling off. The AC has the mind of its own as we cannot adjust the temperature. The elevator is old. The nearby parking lot is always full. The only good thing would be the location. It's surrounded by restaurants. Also a short walk to the forts on the north side of old San Juan.

  • Lilia Salazar

    Lilia Salazar


    DO NOT STAY HERE.....specially in room 401. It has stained dirty carpets with a horrible musty smell that triggered an asthma attack. After numerous attempts they claim there were no other rooms anywhere else in the entire hotel. Meanwhile we were able to book a room at a way better hotel Casablanca down the block. Stay at your own risk.

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