The Gallery Inn i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Gallery Inn



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Lørdagåben 24 timer
204, Calle Norzagaray, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-1808
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4679511, Longitude: -66.1161564

kommentar 5

  • itch rosenblatt

    itch rosenblatt


    I was honestly concerned about booking this Bh place due to the wide range of reviews but I’m very happy I took the plunge. The hotel is absolutely gorgeous and has a great vibe with super friendly staff and happily provided service. I stayed in the top ocean suite and loved it. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the windowless rooms bc they looked a bit gloomy but if you get a good room then you’ll have a great experience . The location is also great.

  • Veronica Dominguez

    Veronica Dominguez


    A spectacular experience. All the pieces of art make this place magical. Also the service great service. Highly recommended.

  • José Méndez

    José Méndez


    Beautiful place. If you appreciate the antique and history you have to stay here. Interesting, engaging and charming. Extremely attentive staff. Everyone, from the owner, the manager, the front desk, the bartenders, the breakfast lady... I mean they’re all attentive and kind. This was a wedding anniversary stay and by far the one we’ve enjoyed the most.

  • Kateryna Starodub

    Kateryna Starodub


    What a charming and vintage place. All the rooms have a unique design and layout. There're a few gardens and a rooftop where you can spend your free time. They even have 5 Steinway pianos and let the guests play on them. Oh and don't forget about the friendly staff that also includes five parrots

  • Don W

    Don W


    Stayed here a few years ago for a few days while in Puerto Rico. This place is really, really unique. The view from my room was incredible, the bed was comfortable, the birds were lovely. The whole place is lined with art and you can spend a while just wandering the grounds. There's a great rooftop view, and the journey to get there is also really cool. Just an absolutely unique and unforgettable place.

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