Islamic Center of Fajardo - Masjid مسجد i Fajardo

Puerto RicoIslamic Center of Fajardo - Masjid مسجد


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Calle A Norte, 00738, Fajardo, Quebrada Fajardo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-564-6002
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Latitude: 18.3513755, Longitude: -65.6567444

kommentar 5

  • Alaa Al-Talla

    Alaa Al-Talla


    We went there for jummah, it’s a very clean, humble space. The khateeb (speaker) was very knowledgeable and kind enough to translate in English for the visitors. After prayer, the regular mosque goers were all very welcoming to us.

  • Kabir Ahmed

    Kabir Ahmed


    Drove from San Juan to Fajardo to see and pray in this masjid, I arrived there during johor time, didn't see any brothers at Johor time, even though gate was locked but I was able to enter into the masjid facility, bathroom area was open, did my odu and prayed my johor infront of masjid's door. Alhamdulillah very nice Masjid!!!

  • Alan rivera

    Alan rivera


    Nice place

  • Rachid Lissir

    Rachid Lissir


    It is a pretty nice mosque.

  • Edgar Amir Graciano Gonzales

    Edgar Amir Graciano Gonzales


nærmeste Moske

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