Centro Islamico del Caribe - Masjid Montehiedra مسجد i San Juan

Puerto RicoCentro Islamico del Caribe - Masjid Montehiedra مسجد


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Expreso Luis A. Ferré, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-881-0878
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Latitude: 18.334738, Longitude: -66.0636737

kommentar 5

  • Shane Demby

    Shane Demby


    I visited this mosque for Jumah prayer while on vacation in Puerto Rico,very clean and pleasant brothers.

  • Basherah Choudhury

    Basherah Choudhury


    Came here for Jumuah prayer during my stay in PR. Jumuah starts at 12:45. Khutbah was in both Arabic and English. Space for women. Clean bathroom.

  • Shaheen Minhas

    Shaheen Minhas


    This mosque boasts an impressive humble active Muslim community. Jummah/Friday prayers commence at 12:45pm in local time. The imam is amazing in that he gives the khutba/sermon in Arabic, Spanish, and English. There is a women's prayer area as well along with a kids play area in the open air. Plenty of parking. Do attend prayers during your visit to PR here.

  • Khalid Abdallah

    Khalid Abdallah


    Loved it. Great imam and wonderful people

  • Kabir Ahmed

    Kabir Ahmed


    Alhamdulillah had an opportunity to pray in this masjid, very nice location. Imam from Morocco, very nice person. Helped me to enter into the masjid facility, masjid gate was looked with scrutiny code, there are few mango trees around the masjid, mango's are very sweet, Alhamduillah i found few under the tree and ate them.

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