Masjed Alfaruq مسجد i Sabana, Vega Alta, Puerto Rico

Puerto RicoMasjed Alfaruq مسجد


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Sabana, Vega Alta, Puerto Rico, Vega Alta 00692, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4342637, Longitude: -66.3435646

kommentar 5

  • Yahya Nasser

    Yahya Nasser


    This place is a wonderful peaceful place of peace and calmness to worship Allah. Thank you for the community to embrace this place like one of its own. It's amazing and lovely to have representation in PR. Stay Strong Muslims and PR people.

  • Myriam. I Rivera

    Myriam. I Rivera


    I love going there, the Imam prayer is so beautiful, its beautiful inside, and the Muslims are very nice n respectful.

  • shaikh Muhammad

    shaikh Muhammad


    MASHA ALLAH ALHAMDOLILAH ALLAH SUBHAN W TALA bless you my dear and ALLAH SUBHAN W TALA give hidaya and toufik of Quran o sunnah and akida TAWHEED of ALLAH and akida salaf to u and all aameen ALLAH HO AkBAR TAWHEED TAWHEED TAWHEED Islam give knowledge of peace Islam is peace true way is only Islam according to Islam all prophets are respected full but one and only God ALLAH no one equal of ALLAH ALHAMDOLILAHi rabbilaalemin ALLAH HO AkBAR TAWHEED TAWHEED TAWHEED TAWHEED TAWHEED

  • Kabir Ahmed

    Kabir Ahmed


    Alhamdulillah one of beautiful and big masjid in PR, I had an opportunity to pray Magrib and Isha with imam Yunus. I called the Athan for both prayers, me and Imam was the only two participants during magrib and isha time, we had very good conversation after prayers. Masjid is located on the hill, surrounding area and view from Masjid is scenic!!!

  • Luis Castro-Ortiz

    Luis Castro-Ortiz


    My thoughts and prayers are with the Masjid Alfaruq community, sharing the uplifting experience as Muslims in Puerto Rico. You are invited cordially to visit the mosque and to attend the weekly (Jummah) lectured by the resident Immam Sheikh Unis

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