Jostens Metro/Puerto Nuevo i San Juan

Puerto RicoJostens Metro/Puerto Nuevo



🕗 åbningstider

1030, Avenida Jesús T. Piñero, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-774-6237
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4062242, Longitude: -66.0775552

kommentar 5

  • Hector Velazquez

    Hector Velazquez



  • Astrid Marie Garcia Avila

    Astrid Marie Garcia Avila


    Mr. Evelio Garcia explains correctly and understandably. I guide us with great patience and dedication in their work. We were pleased with what was chosen and with the affordable price.

  • Raul Gonzalez

    Raul Gonzalez


    Attentive and delivery on time even ahead of schedule

  • abdiel López

    abdiel López


    Terrible service

  • Mari Granadillo

    Mari Granadillo


    These people are SOOO unprofessional! I ordered a graduation ring end of March/early April. I asked for it to be delivered to the US since I was moving back home Mid April and wasn't going to the graduation ceremony. The guy, Hector Melendez, told me it would be ready by May and it would be sent to my home in Florida. It is almost July and they haven't send my ring. First, the guy Hector stopped answering my phone calls. I contacted the headquarters and received a call back from his assistant. However, I am still waiting for them to send the ring and it has been about a month and a have of daily calls/emails. The times they answer, they tell me: it will be in the mail this week, I will send you the tracking info as soon as I get it. How hard is it to actually put a package in the mail???? Very unprofessional... still waiting to see if it was a scam.

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