KGB i Dorado

Puerto RicoKGB



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Avenue Higuillar, 00646, Dorado, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-796-7676
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Latitude: 18.4647482, Longitude: -66.2815274

kommentar 5

  • Lauren Santiago

    Lauren Santiago


    Had the grouper ceviche, chorizo in red wine, and NY Strip. Everything was absolutely fabulous. Highly recommend if you are in the area.

  • Paola Kluesner

    Paola Kluesner


    This place is great, perfect for a Sunday brunch. They have mimosas with passion fruit juice known as "jugo de parcha" that are just delicious. The options they have for breakfast are unique and beyond the traditional breakfast items. Such as French toast with salmon and cheese, wish I would personally recommend. Great staff.

  • Rafael Defendini

    Rafael Defendini


    Good place to have a meal with friends and family. The environment of the place is great with soft piano music in the background. The coffee and the cuban sandwich that I had were great! The price is right for this type of places. They have a good selection of wine and beer.

  • en

    Chris Bailey


    I'm in PR on business and have been here for about 3 months. I would take the reviews that complain service with a grain of salt. I've noticed the service received in PR is just very different than what you would expect on "the big island." The food here is great. Brunch is fantastic. It's a little pricey, but I've not had anything bad here and it's worth the money. I'd highly recommend it, but don't go there in a hurry.

  • Brenda Valentin

    Brenda Valentin


    The food is great! The menu has a lot of variety with emphasis on local cuisine. The live music on Friday nights excellent! Relaxed and informal family atmosphere. The service really depends on the waiter that you get. It's generally just ok. The owners are nice, attentive people. Good wine selection. Fun crowd especially on Friday nights!

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