KGB Kitchen Gallery Bistro i Dorado

Puerto RicoKGB Kitchen Gallery Bistro


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Avenue Higuillar, 00646, Dorado, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-796-7676
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Latitude: 18.4647482, Longitude: -66.2815274

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jorge Terron


    Good wine, food, music and the service is excellent.

  • Mauricio Rivera

    Mauricio Rivera


    The food is great. The ambiance is fun and according to the area. The service is very good. My first restaurant in the area. Once I told the waiter I was vegetarian they made me a great vegetarian mofongo. Great first impression of Puerto Rico through a dish. Certainly appreciated.

  • Michael Rock

    Michael Rock


    Just walked out of this place. Walked in, stood in front of the register and not a single word from the waiter or the other two stooges. One of them even stood there close by the register, drinking his coffee, as if I wasn't there. Terrible customer service. Non existent

  • en

    Triscilla Cobin


    My husband and I ate breakfast here during our vacation to Puerto Rico. The food was delicious and the service we received was outstanding!

  • Iansã Melo Ferreira

    Iansã Melo Ferreira


    Great breakfast, and great coffee! Fresh pastries daily and fresh high quality puerto rican bread to take home on weekends! KGB serves high quality sandwiches and overall fresh food at all meals! On the downside, the sandwiches are sided with less than appealing chips, as opposed to good old fries.

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