Koishma MultiSport i San Juan

Puerto RicoKoishma MultiSport



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110, Del Parque St., 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-633-3333
internet side: www.koishma.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.451338, Longitude: -66.062926

kommentar 5

  • Nathan conti

    Nathan conti


    This place is no longer open.

  • Robert Vallespi

    Robert Vallespi


    JAVIER owner of Koishma MultiSport has over 20 years experience in the bicycle sales, preventive maintenance, and repairs business. He knows and understands not on the the basic of Bicycle technology, but also has a deep passion for it...he works hard daily and go the extra mile for his customers. His store is a local bike shop located near and around Condado and Santuce very easy to find and get to 110 calle De Parque on the right side of the block on the ground floor the tallest condominium on the block. He has a variety of Bicycle accessories from Bike parts, outfits and on site repais. I use JAVIER as my bicycle repair mechanic and for parts ,and of course his shop is local and convenience... He works on my bicycles daily i own over 40 bicycles. I am the owner of San Juan Bike Rentals. JAVIER and I have established together a great working relationship from preventive maintenance on my bikes and on the spot emergency repairs with little or no notice. Without his outstanding work performance and repairs I couldn't manage and operate my bicycle rental business especially in high season. I highly recommend Javier from Koishma MultiSport! Go visit him soon you won't be disappointed.... JAVIER we here at San Juan Bike Rentals appreciate all your efforts, daily positive attitude and patience. We thank you for your professionalism and outstanding service.. Thanks for another outstanding year!!! Robert from San Juan Bike Rentals, Llc.

  • Adriel Colon

    Adriel Colon


    Great customer service, food prices.

  • Ivonne María Marcial

    Ivonne María Marcial


    Excelente servicio. Para arreglo de bicicleta o información de productos.

  • Jorge A. Montalvo

    Jorge A. Montalvo


    I took my bike twice to get a rim fixed and both times it broke again in less than a week. The third time i went asking for a new rim they got my email to send me prices and models but i never heard back from them. I guess they prefer working with expensive professional bikes, not your average commuters bike.

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