Lote 23 i San Juan

Puerto RicoLote 23



🕗 åbningstider

1552, Puerto Rico 25, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-223-4984
internet side: www.lote23.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4455756, Longitude: -66.066797

kommentar 5

  • Manogna Yadala

    Manogna Yadala


    Nice food options, tried mofongo for the first time, it was really good

  • Nayara Leite

    Nayara Leite


    Really nice environment. I highly recommend the pork sandwich!

  • Maria Garcia

    Maria Garcia


    It's an awesome open space Venezuelan casual restaurant. Great to gather and taste the superb flavors of its creative gastro cuisine. Their Menu offer diversity .... So it's a must to return...... Enjoy💜💛🧡💚

  • Dominique Thomas

    Dominique Thomas


    So many options for delicious food. Best chicken sandwich I've ever had from the hen house! If you're in the area a definite must try!

  • laury d

    laury d


    Lote 23 has a lot of small food stands with different food options. It is outdoor, has big tables and huge fans to keep the area cool. The atmosphere is nice and everything is regularly cleaned. My favorite food place is the first ( Grey) truck on the right. They have very good sandwiches, especially the pork sandwich “ revolution”. They have good quality of ingredients and the burger is very well balanced. I also like the poke bowl place. Definitely recommend you going to grab some lunch or dinner with your friends there!

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