La Casona de Fifi i Fajardo

Puerto RicoLa Casona de Fifi



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Calle Fortaleza, 00738, Fajardo, Pitahaya, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-943-4323
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3530738, Longitude: -65.6923879

kommentar 5

  • Raúl Morales

    Raúl Morales


    Not what i was expecting, I didn't like the flavor. Also I had a gustazo coupon and the waitress ask me if I had one and when I said yes I do have one, she asked me if I wanted to wait for the food because the restaurant was full and they had only 3 cooks on the shift( there were about 20 tables total, 14 of them were empty.) I was like are bother by the coupon? Do you ask that to every customer? And she said "I just wanted to let you know just in case" totally unacceptable.

  • en

    luis gomez


    great churrasco!!!

  • en

    Carlos De Jesus


    Very good food

  • Angel Santana

    Angel Santana


    Awesome place, good food with a great attentions.

  • Luis Polar

    Luis Polar


    Family oriented restaurant cama located very convenient Right Next To The Highway. The owners mention it has been open for only about three months, and it used to be a residence. You can see this on the inside especially in the bathrooms. Food is quite delicious, although a bit salty. The fried plantains were quite hard, unfortunately. The rear parking lot is made from dirt, so on a rainy day would be very muddy. It's also pretty much full of debris in the back.

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