La Familia Casa de Empeño y Joyería & Préstamos de Título de Auto MN1 i Manatí

Puerto RicoLa Familia Casa de Empeño y Joyería & Préstamos de Título de Auto MN1



🕗 åbningstider

Carr. #2 KM 49.9 Calle Marginal Edif. Acevedo, Manatí, 00674, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-520-7093
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4314767, Longitude: -66.4905527

kommentar 5

  • Tito Aviles

    Tito Aviles


    The best deal¡¡¡

  • Ruben Irizarry

    Ruben Irizarry


    Great Experience! It is very hard to find easy going and reliable customer service but Kathy was just that and great. She definitely knows how to treat customers. I drove 1HR twice to purchase what I was looking for and I will do it again if I have to. Thanks Kathy for being awesome!

  • Chris Vlz

    Chris Vlz


    They have a high interest. At the moment of taking out my jewelry one employee tray to convinced me to leave them there for a few days more (so that they can charge more interest), then she told me that the manager wasn’t around and that she couldn’t get my jewelry. I was really mad, the next day I went back and complained to the manager about this and refuse to pay the interest of that extra day. I do not recommend this place if you are not planning to get back your jewelry in a month or so.

  • Cadejo Salvatrocha

    Cadejo Salvatrocha


    This place is very nice. It has a very good appearance and the staf is very friendly. I recommend it.

  • Jos Lewis

    Jos Lewis


    They bring an excellent customer service. Katy is very humbly, kind and professional, she is the best, didn't hesitate to help me, she is also nice and beautiful. The place is great, nice, clean, and is well located. They have plenty of awesome things available for sale. They have AC and free Wi-Fi. Very recommended. 5 Stars to Katy! Thanks.

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