La Nueva Escalera i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Nueva Escalera


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1654, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-3485
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Latitude: 18.443736, Longitude: -66.06535

kommentar 5

  • Christina Payne

    Christina Payne


    The service was good. It was a sports bar atmosphere and it was around 5:00 pm when we arrived. The pastelillos were good and the chef was kind enough to make them with chicken, which was off-the-menu. My husbands steak was over cooked and the beans and rice were nothing at all like the traditional beans and rice served all over PR. We were brought out basic red beans with plain white rice which was a let down. I had the house burger. It was ok as the salami slices did not pair well with the hamburger at all, but that could just be a local delicacy I am not a fan of. I ordered beans and rice like my husband did, but was brought French fries. They were plain and though I did not enjoy them it could have been that I simply didn’t want them. The alternative was the same rice and beans my husband received, which was also not what I expected when I ordered the rice and beans. ☹️ At least the sweet plantains worked out. We did each have two well-made drinks; a piña colada and a rum & coke made with Malibu. Both were tasty. All said, I woke up at around 3:00 am with the absolute worst nausea and diarrhea imaginable and a terrible headache. All lasted well into the next day along with some accompanying body aches, weakness, fever, sweats, and chills. It is two days later as I write this and the nausea and headache still persists. My husband has felt fine. Not the most memorable dining experience.

  • Josh Monson

    Josh Monson


    Excellent food, cheap beer, good atmosphere, fun people.

  • athmusique athmobile

    athmusique athmobile


    Great Prices... excellent service... awesome flavor...

  • Aby Garcia

    Aby Garcia


    Service quick and food was great the mofongo with grouper fillet was amazing it was like 10\10. Definitely coming back.

  • Roberto Felix

    Roberto Felix



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