Liberty Store (Formerly AT&T) i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoLiberty Store (Formerly AT&T)



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103, Ortegon Avenue, 00966, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-397-5500
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4042557, Longitude: -66.1076855

kommentar 5

  • Marketa K

    Marketa K


    It’s not AT&T anymore. AT&T in PR is now Liberty. They need to change these stores.

  • William Diaz

    William Diaz


    Excellent service!!, but unfortunately found out that they want to take out the car side pickup (I love this store for this service it very secureand fast) but all in all it is a great store with great service.

  • Ed Rome and bros sports and collectibles channel

    Ed Rome and bros sports and collectibles channel


    Great deals and service all the employees are very helpful and knowledgeable specially Jorge

  • Ricardo Martinz

    Ricardo Martinz


    Have to say that is the 1st time that they disappoint me. There was only one employee attending and we where 5 clients waiting in one specific moment, then I needed to ask if they have prepaid phones available so if they have any I could wait for ever BUT he didn't let me ask so I wait for ever for my turn. THEY DID NOT HAVE IT. 😡

  • Francisco Rivera

    Francisco Rivera


    Great Service. Hope to se them next week.. to look for the Galaxy Note 20

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