Libreria Art & Book Store Caguas i Caguas

Puerto RicoLibreria Art & Book Store Caguas



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#14 Plaza del Mercado, Avenida Rafael Cordero, Caguas, PR 00725, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-299-0741
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Latitude: 18.238033, Longitude: -66.029977

kommentar 5

  • denise rivera

    denise rivera


    Excellent service!!! I got everything I was looking for.

  • Miguel Angel Gonzalez Morales

    Miguel Angel Gonzalez Morales


    Its not that I dislike it its just that they have a very limited selection of books.

  • Ramona Ramos García

    Ramona Ramos García


    I quickly found the book I needed

  • Awilda Garcia

    Awilda Garcia


    Whenever I go Harold attends me super and offers me alternatives if there is not what I am looking for.

  • Jerome Callas

    Jerome Callas


    Non-existent customer service; some merchants believe that the customer has no options ... This "store" is a dump of mapos, where they serve the customer as 1 - if they do not even want to be there, and 2 - as if the customer was interrupting their pleasure leisure afternoon. They approach the client with distrust; How is the client going to trust them?

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