Libros Libres Santurce i San Juan

Puerto RicoLibros Libres Santurce



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1402-1418, Avenida de la Constitución, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-312-7806
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Latitude: 18.44787, Longitude: -66.0707843

kommentar 5

  • Tony Vera

    Tony Vera


    A laudable effort but only half-way toward a potentially viable public service. The effort needs more voluntary input and development creativity. Sadly, I live too far away in Cabo Rojo to offer my time.

  • Abraham Lopez ortiz

    Abraham Lopez ortiz


    AMAZING art in the street.

  • Aurimar Gutiérrez-Falú

    Aurimar Gutiérrez-Falú


    Very nice concept. Books for free! Make sure you bring the books that you don't read anymore, unstead of throwing them away.

  • Carrie Kargel

    Carrie Kargel


    Not so much a store as a bunch of boxes and bookshelves on the sidewalk offering books for free!!!! You never know what you might find. Borrow a book and return it if you’d like. I’ve seen textbooks, religious topics, fiction, non-fiction, coffee table books, gift books, and many more. Check it out! :)

  • Alisa Lane

    Alisa Lane


    I love these free book stands. It is an amazing idea and I found very interesting books. For example, I found "A Brave New World" by A. Huxley and an essay on feminism. There are a lot of religious books though, and that's not cool...

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