Lizzie Ibarra Hair & Airbrush Make-up Artist i San Juan

Puerto RicoLizzie Ibarra Hair & Airbrush Make-up Artist



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111, Calle Barcelona, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-642-4252
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4533842, Longitude: -66.0752314

kommentar 2

  • Jessica Casiano

    Jessica Casiano


    "Astounding!" - That is the first word that came out of my mother's mouth. My husband-to-be was speechless but his smile said it all! Lizzie was wonderful. She came to my hotel and in about 2 hours time, she transformed me into a princess! She was very accommodating and inquisitive about how to style my hair and makeup so that it was true to me. She incorporated some hair accessories that I brought into her styling. The results were nothing short of amazing!

  • en

    Mahsa M


    I am so happy that I had Lizzie do my hair and make-up for my wedding day. We got married at San Juan Water and Beach Club Hotel Rooftop. She did an amazing job with my hair too. I loved the air brush foundation and contouring she incorporated into my look. It looked natural and flawless and lasted the entire night. I am a tough critic and big on makeup and hair myself. I looked into other make up artists but I picked Lizzie because of her willingness to work with me. Lizzie was professional, very accommodating, warm and friendly. Last minute I asked her to do my aunt's hair as well. She still had me ready on time for pictures. She also gave me advice on jewelry selection and how to walk down the aisle to accentuate my dress. I highly recommend her to anyone having a destination wedding! Thank you Lizzie!

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